Is the world under a hypnotic Covid spell?

swirl.jpg by Frederick Dodson

from the end of this article~

“Even though Covid-people and anti-Covid people such as myself, couldn’t be more at odds with each other, it is important not to get divided to a point of violence. The bad can only win if people are divided. Being united does not mean everyone sharing the same opinions. It means everyone respecting others opinions. Even though I believe some of you are under a spell, I will never prevent you from sharing your viewpoint or violate your space. If we keep a sense of connected-ness and human-ness, good will win. When someone calls me a “killer” for sharing my viewpoint and wishes that I be “removed from society” it might be difficult for me not to harden my heart, but it’s absolutely necessary. If you lower yourself to the level of the attacker, the result is more war. Stay inwardly at peace, and the conflict dissolves. Try it, it works.”


A Messge to the UK Government & the BBC


“These patients deserve to be heard” from VAERS whistleblower